Jianshen Liu

Email: jliu120@ucsc.edu

Jianshen Liu is a 2nd year Ph.D. student working in the System Research Lab advised by Professor Carlos Maltzahn. The goal of his current project Smart Storage Devices in Genomics is to investigate solutions in the context of genomics for the trade-off between in-storage computing (moving function to data to minimize data movement and security exposure) and external computing (moving data to function requiring high-performance CPU and GPU farms). Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, he worked for four years as an SDE focused on developing Android apps and maintaining back-end services of high performance recommendation system.


  • Scott A. Klasky, Hasan Abbasi, Mark Ainsworth, J. Choi, Matthew Curry, T. Kurc, Qing Liu, Jay Lofstead, Carlos Maltzahn, Manish Parashar, Norbert Podhorszki, Eric Suchyta, Fang Wang, Matthew Wolf, C. S. Chang, M. Churchill, and S. Ethier, “Exascale Storage Systems the SIRIUS Way,” J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., vol. 759, no. 1, p. 012095, Nov. 2016.
  • Ning Liu, Jason Cope, Philip Carns, Christopher Carothers, Robert Ross, Gary Grider, Adam Crume, and Carlos Maltzahn, “On the Role of Burst Buffers in Leadership-class Storage Systems,” in MSST/SNAPI 2012, Pacific Grove, CA, 2012.
  • Adam Crume, Carlos Maltzahn, Jason Cope, Sam Lang, Rob Ross, Phil Carns, Chris Carothers, Ning Liu, Curtis L. Janssen, John Bent, Stephen Eidenbenz, and Meghan Wingate, “FLAMBES: Evolving Fast Performance Models,” in Poster Session at SC 11, Seattle, WA, 2011.
  • Ning Liu, Christopher Carothers, Jason Cope, Philip Carns, Robert Ross, Adam Crume, and Carlos Maltzahn, “Modeling a Leadership-scale Storage System,” in PPAM 2011, Torun, Poland, 2011.