Third Annual SRL / ISSDM Research Symposium
The 3rd Annual SRL/ISSDM Research Symposium was an overwhelming success with over 150 participants from industry, government and academia. We had representatives from 27 companies, including: Adobe, AT&T, Auditude, BlueKai, Bosch Research, Ceph/New Dream Network, EBay, EMC, Facebook, Google/YouTube, Hitachi Data, Honda Research, HP, IBM, KTSI, LinkedIn, Microsoft, NetApp, Nokia, oDesk Corp., Quantcast, SAP, ShareThis, SJM, Twitter, Whodini, and Yahoo!. Attendees from four National Labs represented Los Alamos, Argonne, Lawrence Livermore and NASA. In addition to UCSC, university participants included UC Berkeley, the New Mexico Consortium, Josef Stefan Institute in Slovenia, Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The two-day symposium served as a forum for the exchange of ideas between UCSC faculty and graduate students with researchers from industry and the national labs. To foster the continuation of these exchanges and to encourage the forging of new research collaborations, the Symposium presentations have been posted on the website. To view the Program Abstracts and presentation slides please go to the following link: presentation slides.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the SRL and the ISSDM. We look forward to seeing you next year at the 4th Annual SRL/ISSDM Research Symposium.